[영어 사용자를 위한 한국어] Talk Talk Korean: Starter 제2외국어 · 한국어
강의수준 과정  회화
강의수 총 20 강 강의형태 동영상
교재파일 교재파일 무료제공
Instructor : Cindy

- Master of Dankook University graduate school
- English instructor at Pickupphone Inc. adult, business course
- Full-time English grammar teacher at Jongno Sisa language school Inc.
- English major teacher at Noryangjin Heeso Inc. examination institute
   (teaching for teacher certification examination, civil service examination)
- Full-time English conversation teacher at Gangnam Manhattan academy Corp.
- TOEIC teacher at Sungshin Women's University
- TOEIC / TOEIC Speaking teacher at LG electronics Inc.
- Biz English teacher at Kyobo Inc.
- TOEIC / English conversation teacher at Ford Korea Inc.
- Representative of English conversation teacher in online courses
회차 강의주제 재생시간
1강 Korean Vowels 31분14초
2강 Korean Consonants 37분31초
3강 Hangul 37분45초
4강 Hangul ‘Batchim’ : added consonant.(=supported letters) 37분41초
5강 Hello, Nice to mee you. 28분38초
6강 What's this? 23분21초
7강 Do you have coffee? 25분23초
8강 Where is Geongbokgung Palace? 27분03초
9강 What is the phone number? 30분37초
10강 What time do you go to school? 31분52초
11강 Where do you study? 30분31초
12강 I didn't go to school. 28분11초
13강 Did you happen to see my cell phone? 29분40초
14강 How do I get to Myeong-dong? 29분39초
15강 Will you go together? 29분25초
16강 Please show me a laptop. 31분27초
17강 Do you feel sick? 32분55초
18강 Can you swim? 30분44초
19강 Let's see a movie and have dinner. 29분42초
20강 I couldn't go to the party because I was too busy. 29분04초
Instructor : Cindy

- Master of Dankook University graduate school
- English instructor at Pickupphone Inc. adult, business course
- Full-time English grammar teacher at Jongno Sisa language school Inc.
- English major teacher at Noryangjin Heeso Inc. examination institute
   (teaching for teacher certification examination, civil service examination)
- Full-time English conversation teacher at Gangnam Manhattan academy Corp.
- TOEIC teacher at Sungshin Women's University
- TOEIC / TOEIC Speaking teacher at LG electronics Inc.
- Biz English teacher at Kyobo Inc.
- TOEIC / English conversation teacher at Ford Korea Inc.
- Representative of English conversation teacher in online courses
회차 강의주제 재생시간
1강 Korean Vowels 31분14초
2강 Korean Consonants 37분31초
3강 Hangul 37분45초
4강 Hangul ‘Batchim’ : added consonant.(=supported letters) 37분41초
5강 Hello, Nice to mee you. 28분38초
6강 What's this? 23분21초
7강 Do you have coffee? 25분23초
8강 Where is Geongbokgung Palace? 27분03초
9강 What is the phone number? 30분37초
10강 What time do you go to school? 31분52초
11강 Where do you study? 30분31초
12강 I didn't go to school. 28분11초
13강 Did you happen to see my cell phone? 29분40초
14강 How do I get to Myeong-dong? 29분39초
15강 Will you go together? 29분25초
16강 Please show me a laptop. 31분27초
17강 Do you feel sick? 32분55초
18강 Can you swim? 30분44초
19강 Let's see a movie and have dinner. 29분42초
20강 I couldn't go to the party because I was too busy. 29분04초

회사명: 요미몬(주), 사이트명: 랭귀지타운, 대표이사: 진정한, 사업자등록번호: 101-86-23367, 본사: 서울 종로구 종로 413 동보빌딩 3층, TEL: 1544-3634, E-mail: edu@languagetown.com
원격평생교육시설신고 제 원격-154호, 통신판매업신고 제2006-03797호, 호스팅서비스: 한국호스트웨이(주), 개인정보보호관리: 박진남 이사