Biologic 영어 · 현지유학프로그램
강의수준 과정  현지유학프로그램
강의수 총 40 강 강의형태 동영상
Cerebullum Corporati
교재파일 교재파일 무료제공
회차 강의주제 재생시간
1강 Electrochemical Control Systems 28분52초
2강 Nerve Impulse Conduction 28분56초
3강 Reflexes and Synaptic Transmission 28분54초
4강 The Central Nervous System and Brain 28분52초
5강 The Peripheral Nervous System 28분56초
6강 The Eye - Vision and Perception 28분55초
7강 The Ear - Hearing and Balance 28분52초
8강 Tactile and Chemoreceptors 28분58초
9강 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 28분57초
10강 The Thyroid Gland 28분51초
11강 The Pancreas 28분54초
12강 The Adrenal Glands and Gonads 28분52초
13강 The Neuroendocrine System 28분52초
14강 The Neuroendocrine System 28분55초
15강 The Human Female Reproductive System 28분54초
16강 Reproductive Technologies and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 28분52초
17강 Hormonal Controls and The Menstrual Cycle 28분52초
18강 Hormonal Controls and Conception 28분54초
19강 Embryonic Development and Differentiation 28분52초
20강 Fetal Development and Birth 28분53초
21강 Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Cytoplasmic Division 28분56초
22강 Meiosis and Gamete Formation 28분52초
23강 Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis 28분52초
24강 Asexual Reproduction and Alternation of Generations 28분54초
25강 Introduction to Classical Genetics and Monohybrid Crosses 28분52초
26강 Dihybrid Crosses 28분53초
27강 Alternate Patterns of Inheritance 28분54초
28강 Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 28분52초
29강 Sex-Linked Inheritance 28분56초
30강 Chromosomal Alterations 28분55초
31강 Development of Molecular Genetics 28분51초
32강 DNA Replication 28분57초
33강 Transcription of DNA to Messenger RNA 28분55초
34강 Translation and Protein Synthesis 28분48초
35강 Genes, Mutations and Viruses 28분52초
36강 Manipulating DNA 28분57초
37강 Molecular Genetics and the Human Genome Project 28분51초
38강 The-Hardy-Weinberg Principle 28분55초
39강 Gene Frequencies, Natural Selection and Speciation 28분53초
40강 Interactions and Relationships Among Organisms 28분51초
회차 강의주제 재생시간
1강 Electrochemical Control Systems 28분52초
2강 Nerve Impulse Conduction 28분56초
3강 Reflexes and Synaptic Transmission 28분54초
4강 The Central Nervous System and Brain 28분52초
5강 The Peripheral Nervous System 28분56초
6강 The Eye - Vision and Perception 28분55초
7강 The Ear - Hearing and Balance 28분52초
8강 Tactile and Chemoreceptors 28분58초
9강 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 28분57초
10강 The Thyroid Gland 28분51초
11강 The Pancreas 28분54초
12강 The Adrenal Glands and Gonads 28분52초
13강 The Neuroendocrine System 28분52초
14강 The Neuroendocrine System 28분55초
15강 The Human Female Reproductive System 28분54초
16강 Reproductive Technologies and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 28분52초
17강 Hormonal Controls and The Menstrual Cycle 28분52초
18강 Hormonal Controls and Conception 28분54초
19강 Embryonic Development and Differentiation 28분52초
20강 Fetal Development and Birth 28분53초
21강 Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Cytoplasmic Division 28분56초
22강 Meiosis and Gamete Formation 28분52초
23강 Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis 28분52초
24강 Asexual Reproduction and Alternation of Generations 28분54초
25강 Introduction to Classical Genetics and Monohybrid Crosses 28분52초
26강 Dihybrid Crosses 28분53초
27강 Alternate Patterns of Inheritance 28분54초
28강 Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 28분52초
29강 Sex-Linked Inheritance 28분56초
30강 Chromosomal Alterations 28분55초
31강 Development of Molecular Genetics 28분51초
32강 DNA Replication 28분57초
33강 Transcription of DNA to Messenger RNA 28분55초
34강 Translation and Protein Synthesis 28분48초
35강 Genes, Mutations and Viruses 28분52초
36강 Manipulating DNA 28분57초
37강 Molecular Genetics and the Human Genome Project 28분51초
38강 The-Hardy-Weinberg Principle 28분55초
39강 Gene Frequencies, Natural Selection and Speciation 28분53초
40강 Interactions and Relationships Among Organisms 28분51초

회사명: (주)유비윈, 사이트명: 랭귀지타운, 대표이사: 진정한, 사업자등록번호: 101-86-23367, 본사: 서울 종로구 종로 413 동보빌딩 3층, TEL: 1544-3634, E-mail: edu@languagetown.com
원격평생교육시설신고 제 원격-154호, 통신판매업신고 제2006-03797호, 호스팅서비스: 한국호스트웨이(주), 개인정보보호관리: 박진남 이사